Video is a Pain
Do you agree?
15 June 2022

Way back when I was studying at art college, I was struggling to “create something” and my tutor wisely pointed out that “starting is the hardest thing.”
Over 20 years later his words still resonate as I ponder over the list of things we need to prioritise in our business. Creating video content to promote, not our clients, but our own business, being one.
Like many of the companies that we work with, we know we need to produce more of our own content, but we justify not getting started because we’re too busy servicing the needs of our clients. “The client comes first, after all!”
However, to build any business you need to promote it, and today much of promotion is in the form of content marketing and for many businesses, it’s a completely new way of communicating with their customers.
Customers are now often referred to as “audiences.” So what does this mean exactly?
Instead of producing the (sometimes) annoying advert that interrupts your favourite TV show, businesses are realising that if they want to grow their customers/audience, they have to entertain and educate them by producing stories (AKA content), that’s not solely about their product or service. This could be a podcast, or long form video, live broadcasts, or short memes and GIFs.
Gone are the days when you have to pay a premium to distribute your message to thousands or in some cases millions. Today, distribution is free in most cases. The real cost and energy is in the production of the content, rather than the distribution.
So, if it’s that easy, what’s potentially stopping you from producing the videos, podcasts, stories, memes and GIFs that will help build your business?
I know from our point of view, it’s a reluctance to move from behind, to in front of the camera and being perfectionists doesn’t help! However a wider and more common issue is of the delayed gratification of content marketing - at least when you start.
We know from working with our clients, it can take anything from 12 - 18 months for content marketing to start having a significant impact on their business. It requires consistency and dedication over long periods of time to build an engaged and valuable audience.
Ask any YouTuber, or better still go watch their first videos and you’ll see, not only how much better their videos are today, but that their viewership rose gradually, until they hit a tipping point, that’s when they became the overnight success!
So if like us, you find it difficult to get started here are video production tips to help you:-
Video doesn’t need to the perfect. Quality is mostly subjective and sometimes something less polished can feel more genuine. As long as the camera is steady, and sound is clear that’s the most important technical consideration you need to worry about.
Don’t over think it. Planning is important, but don’t spend all day scripting a simple video that doesn’t need it. Write down some key points and then record a couple of takes and pick the best one. You know your business, you just need a few prompts to remember.
Keep it about one thing. Whether it’s your 1st or 100th video, keep it focused on one thing and keep it concise. Most people only watch the first 20-30 seconds of a video before getting bored or distracted, so keep it on point.
Education or entertain, or if you can do both! Remember, content marketing is about adding value, so ask yourself why people would want to watch your video? What is it you have to offer that they will want to know about?
Practice makes perfect. Its a cliché because it’s true. Just like any new skill or habit, the more you practice the better you’ll get. And don’t be worried about looking silly or worry about other people’s judgement. Your intent is what people will see and your audience won’t expect you to become the next Jeremy Clarkson or Holly Willoughby.
So the only question remains. When are you going to start?